Another training topic from 2006 came about after reading an ARRL E-Letter. It may be even more pertinent today than it was in 2006 which had a much higher level of ham participation in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Here is an updated version of the topic.
.The March 15, 2006 issue of the ARRL E-Letter included the following in its comments on the “TOPOFF 3” disaster drill:. “On the negative side the drill was held on a weekday with some workers who could not get time off to participate. Others were required to take vacation time to participate. The drill went 36 hours straight in the beginning, which also provided a number of challenges.”
This will always be a problem with volunteer groups. Federal, state and local agencies want to schedule meeting and drills during their working hours. This increases the value of active members a group who are retired.
To be effective, we need to have trained and experienced operators that will show up when needed. This requires participation in drills and public service events and completing training classes. If you say “I don’t have time take the training or to participate in the drills and public service events but I will be there if you need me in an emergency.”, how will you get the training, experience, and qualifications you need? While our participation in these activities are often not really needed or appreciated in some cases, we need the experience in handling communications and working as part of the team.
When our local group was placed on standby to man and provide communications for the Katrina shelters were being prepared, would we have been able to provide the trained manpower to meet the requirements for a 24/7 operation over an extended period? Since we were not put to the test thats time, we will never know. Other local groups have been put to the test and came through. That does not stop me from worrying. One time we had a small activation and just squeaked through. Disasters should never be allowed to occur on Field Day! (I'll be there when you need me except ...)
We don’t get to vote on when our services are required, we just need to respond when requested. But we need to respond with trained and qualified people. Hams are needed who can be part of the solution, not ones who add to the problem.
zeke, AB8OU
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